Instrument Panel

Additional detail is available for the following panel aspects:

Primary Instruments Engine Instruments Annunciators
Radio Stack Startup Sequence Overhead Panel
Turning on the Avionics Pedestal Lower Panel
Exterior Lighting Bus Panel Windshield Wiper

Aux Panels:



Cabin Pressurization



An expanded "T" stack view will enable a larger rendition of the primary instruments. You can access this view by clicking on the center of any of these gauges.


There are up to eight functional panels incorporated into the Cheyenne cockpit, to control the various aircraft systems:

  1. Main Instrument Panel

  2. "T" Stack view

  3. Lower panel (pop-up)
  4. Pedestal (pop-up)
  5. Overhead (pop-up)
  6. Bus panel (pop-up)
  7. FS 2002 GPS-Moving map pop-up
  8. Cabin Pressurization
  9. Pop-up radio stack
  10. Windshield wiper (can also be removed using Loadout utility)
These panels can be accessed via hotspots programmed into the Main Instrument Panel.  A single left mouse click on the hotspot area will quickly bring up the respective pop-up panel.  Additionally, a larger view of the engine instruments may be obtained with another pop-up by left clicking anywhere along the surface of those gauges, to facilitate more precise engine/control settings.  
Additional panels are available via sim panel icons:
  1. Radio Stack Panel
  2. FS GPS Panel
  3. FS ATC panel
  4. Cabin Pressurization controls



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