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Piper Saratoga II TC Specifications


Exterior Height: 8 ft 5 in
Wing Span: 36 ft 2 in
Length: 27 ft 9 in
External Baggage: 7 cu ft


Cabin Volume: 70 cu ft
Internal Baggage: 17 cu ft


Crew: 1
Passengers: 5

Operating Weights

Max T/O Weight: 3600 Lb
Max Landing Weight: 3600 Lb
Operating Weight: 2647 Lb
Empty Weight: 2475 Lb
Fuel Capacity: 612 Lb
Payload W/Full Fuel: 356 Lb
Max Payload: 968 Lb


Max Range: 690 nm
Service Ceiling: 20000 ft


Takeoff Distance: 1110 ft
Balanced Field Length: 1810 ft
Landing Distance: 2667 ft


Rate of Climb: 1075 fpm
Max Speed: 194 kts
Normal Cruise: 183 kts
Economy Cruise: 166 kts
Cost per Hour: $ 320.18
Power Plant
Engines: 1
Engine Mfg.: Lycoming
Engine Model: TIO-540-AH1A
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