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GLV2000 Features

Key Features

User Interface


Fuel Totalizer

Flight Planning


Panel Configuration

User Interface

Here is a diagram of the user interface and controls. Using multi-function keys, the system is very powerful and provides the pilot with everything needed for both vertical (VNAV) and lateral (LNAV) navigation

1.   Power Switch 2.  Nav Frequency 3.   Last/Next Wpt
4.   Magnetic HDG 5.   ADF Freq 6.   WPT Info
7.  COM Freq 8.   Range Sel 9.   NAV Indicators
10. COM Knob 11. COM Freq Swap 12.  DTO Menu
13. Main Menu 14. Plan Menu 15. Proc Menu
16. Enter Key 17. Clear Key 18. Selector Knob
19. XPDR Menu 20. Auto/Susp Ind 21. Softkeys
22. Time Display 23. ADF Swap Key 24. ADF Knob
25. Escape Key 26. NAV Swap Key 27. NAV Ctrl Knob


Both LNAV and VNAV control


Fuel Totalizer

When the new Direct To flight plan is loaded into the system the Fuel Totalizer menu will appear on the right side of the screen, in place of the Direct To Menu.

The Fuel Totalizer provides the pilot with an accurate digital display of fuel remaining, trip fuel and total fuel used in relation to the entire flight plan. See section 2.10 for proper use of the Fuel Totalizer Computer.

Flight Planning

The GLV2000 uses standard Flight Simulator flight plans. However, it also incorporates the ability to add and remove waypoints as you like.

An easy to access menu from the Flight Plan page utilizes the GPS engine's database to allow you to search for and insert waypoints anywhere within the flight plan.

Two compass modes are available; Arc Mode and HSI Mode. The color of the compass rose is user selected via the main menu, which provides the pilot with extensive control over both display schemes/colors, and system preferences.

Arc Mode
HSI Mode


NAV 1 Radio

NAV 2 Radio

COM 1 Radio

COM 2 Radio

ADF Radio


Panel Configuration

The Control Center is a configuration utility for the GLV2000 that will allow you to perform various tasks to make this unique add-on as user friendly and easy to configure as possible. It can perform the following tasks:

Configure your installed aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator® (MSFS) to use the panel instrument and systems, or restore them back to their original configuration.

Customize the speed and performance data for each aircraft installed.

Review and modify the global preference settings for the system.

This utility scans your Flight Simulator aircraft folders and presents you with information on which aircraft are already configured, and which are not. Configuring one of your aircraft is easy, and usually involves the single click of a button.

The Control Center is simple and easy to operate. The following handbook outlines the steps and procedures for the proper use of this utility. It is a pre-flight utility. Any changes made using this utility will be reflected the next time MSFS is started.
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